The vision God has given Pastor Ned Armstrong Jr., is a big one; it is design to change the lives of people around the Dallas and Ft. Worth Area. Sometime people cannot receive spiritual things because they are so deficient in natural things; it is hard to “eat” spiritual food when your are literally starving. Pastor’s heart is not just to preach the word but to provide natural support as well but he can’t do it alone.

Meeting all of these practical needs takes money; it takes all of us together to “do unto the least of these” so that the seed of God’s Word has fertile soil in which to grow.

We have a place for you in God’s Main Purpose. Together we can change lives for the moment and for eternity!

Sign up to be a Sponsor Right Now

Why You Should Help

Your support makes a difference. Your financial gifts have helped us in meeting the diverse needs of others throughout our community.

What to Expect

When you commit to prayer and financial support we in turn commit to:

Sow occasional partner gifts into your life.

Partnership with God’s Main Purpose is a covenant relationship dedicated to building bridges (of the gospel ) to the nation while empowering others to empowering others to improve their lives every day through the Word of God. As we plant and water, God will give the increase. Thank you for being a willing vessel. We believe that “God has joined us together to do what we could not do separately.”

Contact us: God’s Main Purpose

1012 Bayonne Street

Dallas, TX 75212

We would like to hear from you email  us at gmpministries@sbcglobal.net and share your testimony.

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